About our partnership
The Skills Development Unit is the partnership between UCSF’s Pacific AIDS Education and Training Center (Pacific AETC) and Community Health Center Network (CHCN) to provide training and technical assistance for Alameda County Care Connect.
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UCSF’s Pacific AIDS Education & Training Center has 30 years of expertise in adult learning, training modalities, and community health. Pacific AETC is a member of a national AIDS Education and Training Center network of eight regional and three national centers, covering all 50 states and US Territories and Jurisdictions. Pacific AETC works to expand the number and ability of healthcare professionals and organizations in the Pacific region to provide high-quality HIV-related services to increase access to healthcare and decrease health inequities.
Community Health Center Network is a partnership of community health centers committed to enhancing the ability to provide comprehensive, quality health care in a manner respectful of community traditions and values. With 25 years of experience, CHCN is widely recognized as a uniquely efficient model for community health centers to organize managed health care delivery.
Together, Pacific AETC and CHCN leveraged 55 years of combined experience and expertise to implement a capacity-building initiative. This initiative has helped to increase the skills, knowledge, and ability of Alameda County safety net providers. Participants were able to work together more effectively, support consumer engagement, and enhance cross-sector understanding through the work of the Skills Development Unit.
What is Alameda County Care Connect?
Alameda County Care Connect is committed to strengthening systems of care that work together to deliver consumer-centered care and supporting high-need individuals (the people of Alameda County who face highly complex physical, behavioral, and social challenges) to achieve optimal independence and health.
Visit the AC Care Connect site HERE to learn more.
Access Care Connect Trainings
CLICK to Access Consumer Engagement Resources
CLICK to Access Cultural Humility
CLICK to Access De-escalation and Conflict Management
CLICK to Access Harm Reduction
CLICK to Access Social Determinants of Health
CLICK to Access Trauma Informed Care
CLICK to Expand Consumer Engagement Training Videos
Self-Care & Stress Reduction for Mental Health
Trauma Informed Care, Recovery & Healing
Trauma Informed Care, Resilience, & Healing
Everyday Mental Health: Coping Strategies for the 2020 Holiday Season
CLICK to Access Sector Knowledge Resources
CLICK to Access Behavioral Crisis Services
CLICK for Accessing Public Benefits
CLICK for Accessing Substance Use Disorder Services
CLICK for Accessing Substance Use Disorder Services
- California’s Immigrant Tenant Protection Act _ English
- California’s Immigrant Tenant Protection Act _Spanish
- Chronic Homelessness Verification Packet
- Current Housing Rights & Protection for Immigrant Tenants in California
- Home Stretch Housing Assistance Fund
- Immigrants & Housing Presentation
- PSH Overview Presentation
- Third Party Payment Form Letter
- Verifying Chronic Homelessness Presentation
CLICK to Expand Sector Knowledge Training Videos
Substance Use Disorder
ACSS: Public Benefits
Housing Services Overview
Alameda County Emergency Medical Services
Public Benefits
Emergency Preparedness
Behavioral Crisis Response
Governmentally-Subsidized Housing Opportunities for Immigrants
Current Housing Rights & Protection for Immigrant Tenants in California
New Legal Protections for California Tenants in the Wake of COVID-19
CLICK to Access COVID-19 Response Resources
CLICK to Expand COVID-19 Response Videos
Cultural Humility-Health-Disparities & Bias Related to COVID-19
Responding to Mental Challenges in Our Current Landscape
COVID-19 Safety & PPE
AC Care Connect Badge System
A badge system was developed to track individual participant’s attendance and completion of Academy trainings; this system can be used by individual participants or by their organizations to measure professional development efforts and trainings obtained.