HIPAA Assistance

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CHCN has provided HIPAA education to member health centers, and has instituted HIPAA-based guidelines in its operations. Questions regarding CHCN and HIPAA can be directed to our Chief Information Officer.

CHCN provides HIPAA documents, templates and materials for training clinic staff, implementing policies and procedures and for distributing to business partners and patients. A CD-ROM is also available for distribution within the clinic.

The CHCN HIPAA Officers Committee has produced this curriculum of training materials to assist CHCN health centers in their HIPAA training needs. The curriculum consists of three PowerPoint Presentations:

1. What Is HIPAA?
2. Tips on Privacy
3. Notice of Privacy Practices

The first two presentations are intended for all staff and contain written notes and an optional audio track. The third presentation is for those staff with direct patient contact. Additionally, this 90-Second Script for Notice of Privacy Practices is aimed to help staff introduce the Notice of Privacy Practices to patients.

These materials should be used in conjunction with established health center policies and procedures.

This collection of documents offers templates for HIPAA Policies and Procedures, Notice of Privacy Practices and Summary Notice of Privacy Practices (in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean and Farsi; the Summary NPP is also available in Cambodian), and Business Associate Agreements.
Notice of Privacy Practices and Summary NPP – All Languages – PDF Format
Template HIPAA Policies and Procedures Zip File