Latest Past Events

Membership, Enrollment and Eligibility Services Workgroup

AHC/CHCN - 4th Floor Training Room 101 Callan Ave, San Leandro

An event every month that begins at 10:00am on day Second of the month, repeating indefinitely The Membership /Enrollment & Eligibility Managers/Supervisors staff from the clinics, AHC, and CHCN meet the 2nd Thursday of every month from 10am-12pm. Meeting topics include CHCN membership updates and various program updates pertaining to Member Services/Enrollment & Eligibility departments […]

AHC Board Meeting

AHC/CHCN Board Room 101 Callan Avenue, Suite 300, San Leandro

The AHC Board consists of the CEOs from the eight community health centers in the consortium. The Board convenes on the 4th Thursday of every other month from 9:30am-12pm. For additional information about this meeting, please contact AHCs Executive Assistant/Projects Manager, Hilda Ochoa at

Medical Director Meeting

AHC/CHCN Board Room 101 Callan Avenue, Suite 300, San Leandro

The CHCN Medical Directors meet the 4th Wednesday from 3-5pm monthly. General topics discussed are Utilzation Management, Quality Improvement, and Practice Sharing. For more questions about this meeting please email the CHCN Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Laura Miller at