Description: Representative from Maternal, Paternal, Child and Adolescent Health will join us to present about Maternal, Paternal, Child and Adolescent Health, its services, and who qualifies for its services. Audience: Care Neighborhood CHWs, care coordinators, outreach workers, and other patient advocates from the eight clinics and CHCN community partners Registration: If you or your group […]
The CHCN Board consists of the CEOs from the eight community clinics in the network. The Board convenes on the 4th Monday of every other month from 12:30-2:30pm in the CHCN Board Room. For additional information about this meeting please contact Administrative Assistant, Alison Watson at
The CHCN Medical Directors meet the 4th Wednesday from 3-5pm monthly. General topics discussed are Utilzation Management, Quality Improvement, and Practice Sharing. For more questions about this meeting please email the CHCN Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Laura Miller at