Care Neighborhood: Asian Prisoner Support Committee

Description: A speaker from Roots2Reentry: Asian Prisoner Support Committee will join us to present on his organization's services for re-entry and his personal re-entry experiences. Audience: Care Neighborhood CHWs, care coordinators, outreach workers, and other patient advocates from the eight clinics and CHCN community partners Registration: If you or your group are interested in attending, […]

Care Neighborhood: El Centro Legal-Know Your Rights

AHC/CHCN 101 Callan Ave, San Leandro, CA, United States

Description: A representative from El Centro Legal will provide a presentation called "Know Your Rights."  Care Neighborhood works with many immigrants in our clinic population and in light of the current political climate, this training is to help CHWs learn about each person’s basic rights. Audience: Care Neighborhood CHWs, care coordinators, outreach workers, and other patient […]


Care Neighborhood: Medical Education – Renal Disease

AHC/CHCN 101 Callan Ave, San Leandro, CA, United States

Description: CHCN Associate Medical Director will provide medical education training on renal disease.  The training will go over the causes and symptoms of renal disease i.e. what the patient physically experiences with this disease, what it looks like in the body. Audience: Care Neighborhood CHWs, care coordinators, outreach workers, and other patient advocates from the […]

OSME Training

AHC/CHCN - 4th Floor Training Room 101 Callan Ave, San Leandro, CA, United States

The On-Site Medi-Cal Eligibility Program training is facilitated by AHC and Alameda County Social Services Agency staff and is attended by clinic liaisons. Trainings occur the 3rd Wednesday of every other month from 9:30am-11:30am. Training topics include explanation of the OSME program and also an overview of the Medi-Cal program. All clinic liaisons are required to […]

Care Neighborhood: Healthy Coaching – Renal Disease

AHC/CHCN 101 Callan Ave, San Leandro, CA, United States

Description: Healthy coaching on renal disease is led by our CN Nurse which goes over how our community health workers may approach patients with this disease, what are good talking points with patients. Audience: Care Neighborhood CHWs, care coordinators, outreach workers, and other patient advocates from the eight clinics and CHCN community partners Registration: If […]

Medical Director Meeting

AHC/CHCN Board Room 101 Callan Avenue, Suite 300, San Leandro, CA, United States

The CHCN Medical Directors meet the 4th Wednesday from 3-5pm monthly. General topics discussed are Utilzation Management, Quality Improvement, and Practice Sharing. For more questions about this meeting please email the CHCN Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Laura Miller at

Care Neighborhood: Human Trafficking 101

Description: Alameda County HEAT (Human Exploitation and Trafficking) Institute will present on the topic of human trafficking to help raise awareness in our communities. Audience: Care Neighborhood CHWs,  care coordinators, outreach workers, and other patient advocates from the eight clinics and CHCN community partners Registration: If you or your group are interested in attending, please email Grace, Care […]


AHC Board Meeting

AHC/CHCN Board Room 101 Callan Avenue, Suite 300, San Leandro, CA, United States

The AHC Board consists of the CEOs from the eight community health centers in the consortium. The Board convenes on the 4th Thursday of every other month from 9:30am-12pm. For additional information about this meeting, please contact AHCs Executive Assistant/Projects Manager, Hilda Ochoa at

CARE NEIGHBORHOOD: Immigration Advocates Network

Description: A representative from Immigration Advocates Network will join us to present on his organization.  He will go discuss the organization’s mission, its services/tools including, and how to connect a patient to Immigration Advocates Network. Audience: Care Neighborhood CHWs, care coordinators, outreach workers, and other patient advocates from the eight clinics and CHCN community partners Registration: If […]


Specialty Care CME: Updates in Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment in Primary Care

AHC/CHCN - 4th Floor Training Room 101 Callan Ave, San Leandro, CA, United States

Specialty Care CME: Updates in Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment in Primary Care Dr. Amit Chitnis, TB Controller from Alameda County Public Health Department Learning Objectives: Learn appropriate screening in asymptomatic individuals in the community Interpret results and discuss specific tests - TST, quantiferon, etc. Learn appropriate treatment protocol of latent TB Discover when and how to […]
