Medical Director Meeting

AHC/CHCN Board Room 101 Callan Avenue, Suite 300, San Leandro, CA, United States

The CHCN Medical Directors meet the 4th Wednesday from 3-5pm monthly. General topics discussed are Utilzation Management, Quality Improvement, and Practice Sharing. For more questions about this meeting please email the CHCN Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Laura Miller at

CARE NEIGHBORHOOD: Medical Education–Obesity and Bariatric Surgery

Description: CHCN Medical Officer will provide medical education training on opioids. The training will go over the risks and effects of opioids. Audience: Care Neighborhood CHWs, care coordinators, outreach workers, and other patient advocates from the eight clinics and CHCN community partners Registration: If you or your group are interested in attending, please email Grace, […]


AHC Board Meeting

AHC/CHCN Board Room 101 Callan Avenue, Suite 300, San Leandro, CA, United States

The AHC Board consists of the CEOs from the eight community health centers in the consortium. The Board convenes on the 4th Thursday of every other month from 9:30am-12pm. For additional information about this meeting, please contact AHCs Executive Assistant/Projects Manager, Hilda Ochoa at

Trauma Stewardship Institute

University of California, Berkeley 2475 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

How to Navigate Amidst Overwhelming Times Please join Laura van Dernoot Lipsky of the Trauma Stewardship Institute for a day of raising awareness of trauma, vicarious trauma, and systematic oppression. This event will be a foundational training and will address how we're being impacted by current and past overwhelm, crises, toll, or trauma and establish […]


CARE NEIGHBORHOOD: Medical Education–Dementia

Description: CHCN's Dr. Stanton will lead a medical education training on dementia.   Audience: Care Neighborhood CHWs, care coordinators, outreach workers, and other patient advocates from the eight clinics and CHCN community partners   Registration: If you or your group are interested in attending, please email Grace, Care Neighborhood Program Coordinator to provide the number […]


CARE NEIGHBORHOOD: Self-Care/Compassion Fatigue

Description: Care Neighborhood Social Workers will lead training on self-care/compassion fatigue for community health workers.   Audience: Care Neighborhood CHWs, care coordinators, outreach workers, and other patient advocates from the eight clinics and CHCN community partners   Registration: If you or your group are interested in attending, please email Grace, Care Neighborhood Program Coordinator to […]

[Internal] CARE NEIGHBORHOOD: CN Acuity and SMART Goals

Description: Care Neighborhood Social Workers will lead training on acuity levels for patients   Audience: Care Neighborhood CHWs only   Registration: If you or your group are interested in attending, please email Grace, Care Neighborhood Program Administrator to provide the number of attendees.   Address: CHCN 101 Callan Ave. Suite 300 San Leandro, CA 94577. […]

CHCN Board Meeting

AHC/CHCN Board Room 101 Callan Avenue, Suite 300, San Leandro, CA, United States

The CHCN Board consists of the CEOs from the eight community clinics in the network. The Board convenes on the 4th Monday of every other month from 12:30-2:30pm in the CHCN Board Room. For additional information about this meeting please contact Administrative Assistant, Alison Watson at

Medical Director Meeting

AHC/CHCN Board Room 101 Callan Avenue, Suite 300, San Leandro, CA, United States

The CHCN Medical Directors meet the 4th Wednesday from 3-5pm monthly. General topics discussed are Utilzation Management, Quality Improvement, and Practice Sharing. For more questions about this meeting please email the CHCN Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Laura Miller at