Medical Director Meeting

AHC/CHCN Board Room 101 Callan Avenue, Suite 300, San Leandro, CA, United States

The CHCN Medical Directors meet the 4th Wednesday from 3-5pm monthly. General topics discussed are Utilzation Management, Quality Improvement, and Practice Sharing. For more questions about this meeting please email the CHCN Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Laura Miller at

CARE NEIGHBORHOOD: Overdose Prevention Education & Naloxone Distribution (OPEND)

Description:OPEND will present on general training for service providers that includes information on current overdose trends, how to identify an overdose, administering naloxone, and sharing tools and resources that are available to promote opioid safety and access to naloxone Audience: Care Neighborhood CHWs, care coordinators, outreach workers, and other patient advocates from the eight clinics […]


CHCN Board Meeting

AHC/CHCN Board Room 101 Callan Avenue, Suite 300, San Leandro, CA, United States

The CHCN Board consists of the CEOs from the eight community clinics in the network. The Board convenes on the 4th Monday of every other month from 12:30-2:30pm in the CHCN Board Room. For additional information about this meeting please contact Administrative Assistant, Alison Watson at

CARE NEIGHBORHOOD: Bridge Pilot Program

Description: Representatives from Bridge Pilot Program will join us to present about Bridge, its services, how to refer patients to Bridge, who qualifies for Bridge. Audience: Care Neighborhood CHWs, care coordinators, outreach workers, and other patient advocates from the eight clinics and CHCN community partners Registration: If you or your group are interested in attending, […]


CARE NEIGHBORHOOD: Child Protective Services [CPS]

Description: Representative from CPS will join us to present about CPS, its services, and how to determine when to contact CPS for consulting or reporting. Audience: Care Neighborhood CHWs, care coordinators, outreach workers, and other patient advocates from the eight clinics and CHCN community partners Registration: If you or your group are interested in attending, […]



Description: CN Social Worker Aleida led a training about how to hold space for patients that are in deep depression and/or pain and aren’t able to focus on their goals Audience: Care Neighborhood CHWs, care coordinators, outreach workers, and other patient advocates from the eight clinics and CHCN community partners Registration: If you or your […]


Credentialing Peer Group Meeting

AHC/CHCN - 4th Floor Training Room 101 Callan Ave, San Leandro, CA, United States

CHCN's Provider Service's Department will be hosting a Credentialing Peer Group Meeting for credentialing and billing staff of our member health centers. This meeting will focus on credentialing best practices.

OSME Training

AHC/CHCN - 4th Floor Training Room 101 Callan Ave, San Leandro, CA, United States

The On-Site Medi-Cal Eligibility Program training is facilitated by AHC and Alameda County Social Services Agency staff and is attended by clinic liaisons. Trainings occur the 3rd Wednesday of every other month from 9:30am-11:30am. Training topics include explanation of the OSME program and also an overview of the Medi-Cal program. All clinic liaisons are required to […]

CARE NEIGHBORHOOD: Workflows on how to use Clemons Hong

Description: CN Nurse will go over Clemons Hong and how to use the health coaching materials to discuss with patients. Audience: Care Neighborhood CHWs, care coordinators, outreach workers, and other patient advocates from the eight clinics and CHCN community partners Registration: If you or your group are interested in attending, please email Grace, Care Neighborhood […]
