CHCN Announces Launch of Pediatric Care Coordinator Pilot
Blog Contribution by:
Melissa Leanda, Integrated Healthcare MPH Intern, Community Health Center Network
Community Health Center Network (CHCN) is excited to announce the launch of the Pediatric Care Coordinator pilot across our network of eight FQHCs!
CHCN currently serves over 48,000 pediatric members, approximately 30% of its total membership. Prevention and early intervention leads to better outcomes clinically, socially, and intergenerationally, both on an individual and population health level. Furthermore, proactively addressing social determinants of health and trauma exposure at a young age alleviates a person’s physical and behavioral health concerns as an adult. While our health centers offer comprehensive and integrated pediatric healthcare services; they have lacked designated coordinator roles to assist young members and their families in navigating the complex pediatric landscape in Alameda County.
Thanks to the generous support of Alameda County Behavioral Health, and in collaboration with our health center pediatric leads, CHCN launched the Pediatric Care Coordinator pilot in January 2021. The 18-month pilot will be modeled after our clinics’ successful Integrated Behavioral Health Care Coordinator program. The Pediatric Care Coordinators will link young members to medical, behavioral, and social services. This role will also support pediatric and trauma screenings, and will aid in dissolving the silos between the medical and behavioral health departments within the health centers.
We’re hoping that the Pediatric Care Coordinator pilot will make it easier for young members and their families to navigate the healthcare system, get appropriate care, and meet their basic needs to live healthy lives. The Pediatric Care Coordinator Pilot is just one more way for our health centers to continue to provide quality care to our community members in the East Bay.